AURO, the protagonist, is a superhero who travels through time and unknowingly reaches a strange, mysterious planet. He faces the obvious consequences of time travel; but how will he overcome them? Can he return to his planet Earth?
To know more about the breathtaking adventures of Auro, read BlackMaster’s first ever comic AURO: TIME IS NOT CONSTANT, the best selling comics in India.
Albert Einstein once mentioned that time and space are not constant in our everyday lives. The only constant phenomenon is the speed of light. So to sum it up, time can slow down or move faster, depending on the speed at which we travel. If our speed is faster than that of light, time WILL slow down.
Our universe contains trillions of stars and planets, and each planet has its unique revolutional and rotational timing. Our protagonist AURO reaches one of these planets with his powers, but how will his future unfold? What happens when he arrives in the land of mysteries? Does he ever return back home to Earth?